Sunday, January 5, 2014

Day 5 - January 5, 2014: Grilled Brie Sandwiches and Salad

Okay, to tell you the truth: I messed up today.  I was originally going to make something completely different.  But time got away from me, so I threw this together at the last minute.

Brie: $2.69
1/2 loaf of bread: $1.50
1/2 bag of baby spinach: $1.00
1 apple: ~$1.00
1/2 cucumber: $0.75
1/8 red onion: $0.10
A handfull of cherry or grape tomatoes: $0.50
2 tbsp evoo and balsamic vinegar for the dressing: negligible
Total: $7.54

Assemble sandwiches; I put the sliced Brie on first, then the sliced apple, and spinach last, but I'm not sure the order matters.  Heat butter in skillet and add sandwich; brown from both sides.  Throw salad together while sandwich is in the skillet and serve immediately.  I did toss in the few lettuce leaves that were left in the bag that I used last night, so the leaves tonight had a little bit more color.  

Everyone enjoyed it.  We had our neighbor over for dinner and he mentioned twice how good the sandwich was.  I'd call that a last-minute success :o)  By the way, our neighbor shared some really yummy homemade minestrone with us - check back for that dinner; I will definitely make that soup on one of these cold winter nights!

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